The word “laser” stands for Light Amplification Stimulated Emission Radiation, and is currently the more favourable method for dental work for numerous reasons.
Among them:
- No bleeding cuts at area treated
- Reduces the need for stitches
- Painless and no collateral damage to adjacent tissue
- Reduces caries with drilling
- Quicker and better wound healing
There are two kinds of laser treatments – low level energy and high level energy laser treatments.
Laser treatment is currently used widely in areas of surgery, orthodontics, endodontics, bleaching and even sterilisation. One of the major positive results of laser treatments is the biostimulation of tissue. In case you’re worried on side effects of that, the FDA has confirmed the efficiency and safety of biostimulation. The following are the benefits of biostimulation:
- Improvement of microcirculation
- Stimulation of immune system
- Improvement of nerve conduction